Thursday, February 24, 2011

Interview Questions

It's coming (cue "Jaws" theme music)...  Your palms are sweating, your knees are weak, and your stomach is bubbly, but there is no way to avoid it.  The INTERVIEW.  You can't get around it, so you might as well be ready.  Here are 100 of the most popular interview questions.  To be prepared, write down and practice answers to these!

Top 100 Interview Questions

Don't get eaten alive in your interview:
practice and be prepared!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Employer Research

Do your homework!  No seriously, it really is important for your job search.  Get out there and find out what other people are doing and you may find your "dream job"!  How about starting with the best 100 companies to work for?  Check out "Fortune's" list and read up on your next gig...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Social Networking- Yes, it does help. Embrace it, do it, love it.

Networking is one of the most important things you can do in your job search and with new technology,  it is easier than ever.  Easy, if you're the computer type, right? 

Nope. The good news is that you don't have to be a techie or a computer nerd to reap the benefits of social networking.  This is a great article on how to get started and make the most of the popular networking site, LinkedIn.

Job Talkin' by Brad Karsh

Give it a try!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Be the Top Competitor for that Job...

Welcome to the Blog at the Wedge Group!  Here you will find information that will help your career transition to be informed and fun!

Check out this article to help you seal the deal in that job interview:

What are you doing to put yourself above your competition in the job market???