Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Who Knows What the Future Holds?

Some people believe that improvements in technology are making many jobs obsolete.  It appears to be true for some positions, but others?  Not so much.

Read on and you be the judge... Robots Doing Our Jobs?

Monday, March 7, 2011


Panic is a perfectly normal emotion to feel when facing a career transition.  Accept it, embrace it, and deal with it.  But please do not make decisions based solely on this emotion if you don't have to.  Read on to find out why...


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Using PR Strategies in Your Job Search

Think like a publicist and get yourself the best exposure you can!  When looking for a new career or job, it is important to always represent yourself in the best ways.  Take a few tips from the pros on how exactly to do this...